
HiLEM - High Efficiency Low Effort MPP

  • Project Group:

    System Control and Analysis

  • Funding:

    Innovation fund KIT (NEULAND), Technology Transfer Project

  • Startdate:


  • Enddate:


Objektives and Results

Validation of the patented HiLEM circuit for technology transfer to interested industrial partners.

Contents and Approach

  1. The new HiLEM circuit is a modified boost-buck converter circuit. In its DC link a large number of parallel PV strings can be combined and forwarded to the inverter. It has a higher efficiency than the conventional circuit variant, is intended to replace existing string combiners and increase the yield of the system. The planning of new plants should also be simplified.
  2. Research and representative comparison of the state of research and development.
  3. Design and development of a concept for an arbitrarily scalable HiLEM circuit with respect to the performance class.
  4. Development of the signal processing for the HiLEM shuttering to control and regulate the power section.
  5. Installation and commissioning of a test system on KIT's own 1 MW PV park.
  6. Design and development of a software model to evaluate the HiLEM circuit and its added value.

Project Volume

142.000 €

Further Information